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Prepping for the Spring

Updated: Aug 21, 2019


Now is the time to start to prep your garden for spring . You want to make sure that you start first with soil that will nourish your plant. I have found that Black Cow manure work well in my garden or a good compost. If you have earthworms in your garden that is a good indicator that your soil is good.

You will need to till your Earth (dig it up) and make sure your manure or compost is worked good in the soil and then create rows to plant your seeds. Rows are good to have so that you are able to get to your plants without crushing them and to help keep the nutrients in the soil.


Oh the plants that you can plant for this season! The plants that you plant in Spring can tolerate the cold weather and thrive well in this beautiful season. These plants are considered leafy or root plants that include cabbages, carrots, beets, turnips, kale, collards and several herbs such as cilantro(i put that on everything). You may either start your plants from seeds or purchase transplants ( plants that are already started). For seeds you do not need to dig a deep hole, just a hole that is 1 to 2 inches deep. For transplants you will want to go a bit deeper about 6 inches to make sure the plant is deeper in the soil then watch the magic happen.


You will want to water your veggies depending on how the weather is. If you are getting a lot of rain allow the plants to drink this water as they will not need to be watered. I have found rain water to be the best. If watering from a hose try to water only the vegetables because if you water the whole garden you are also watering the weeds and you don't want to invite them to this party. Water the plants at least twice a week.


Your seed package should provide you with the timeframe that it takes for your plant to grow. Make sure that you harvest your plant once it has matured or they will start to attract bugs. Cabbages show that they are ready for harvest because they will close all the way into the ball of yummyness that you are used to consuming. With carrots you would want to dig a little around them to see how far the root has grown in the ground to see if they are ready for harvest. For greens such as kale, turnips, and collards you can take the greens from the stalk once they have gotten big and the stalk will continue to product more greens. I hope that you enjoy growing in my favorite season.

Thumbing off for now.

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